Include Cleaner

Manually managing includes in a C++ translation unit, especially in the face of transitive inclusions, requires a lot of effort. Include Cleaner aims to provide diagnostics to keep includes in an IWYU-clean state.

Include Cleaner is available in “preview” mode with an incomplete set of capabilities and can be enabled through configuration file. If you experience any bugs, please submit a bug report in clangd/issues.

How it works

Include Cleaner issues diagnostics for includes that are present but not used in the main file. When you open a file, clangd will analyze the symbols the file uses and mark all headers defining these symbols as “used”. The warnings will be issued for the headers that are included but not marked as “used”. Example:

// foo.h
#pragma once

class Foo {};
// bar.h
#pragma once

class Bar {};
// main.cpp

#include "foo.h"
#include "bar.h" // <- Will be marked as unused and suggested to be removed.

int main() {
  Foo f;

Here, main.cpp only makes use of symbols from foo.h and removing #include "bar.h" prevents unnecessary parsing of bar.h and allows breaking the dependency on it.

Deciding what headers are used

Clangd relies on Clang AST to deduce which headers are used and which aren’t, the whole Include Cleaner decision process is described below.

Scanning the main file

IncludeCleaner will traverse Clang AST of the main file. It will recursively visit AST nodes and collect locations of all referenced symbols (e.g. types, functions, global variables). Any declaration explicitly mentioned in the code, brought in via macro expansions, implicitly through type deductions or template instantiations will be marked as “used”. Example:

// foo.h
#pragma once

int foo();

#define FOO foo

struct Bar {

struct Baz;

template <typename T> Baz getBaz();
// main.cpp

#include "foo.h"

int main() {
  // Uses foo() and FOO
  // Uses Baz, getBaz and Bar.
  auto baz = getBaz<Bar>();

This means that Include Cleaner is conservatively treating symbols in the expanded code as usages as opposed to only explicitly spelled symbols.

Include Cleaner will also traverse the macro names in the spelled code to collect used macros.

After the process is complete, all declaration and definition locations will be collected and passed to the next stage.

Marking the headers as used

SourceLocation instances collected at the previous step will be converted to FileIDs and deduplicated.

This is achieved by looking at two hints in the code:

After the responsible headers are collected, the only step left is producing diagnostics for unused headers.

Issuing warnings

After most of the work is done, Include Cleaner needs to decide which headers are not used in the main file. All inclusions are scanned and checked for containing IWYU pragma: keep; if they do not, they are not used and will be warned about.

IWYU pragmas

IWYU tool offers a set of pragmas. Include Cleaner respects keep, always_keep, private, and export/begin_exports/end_exports.

Future plans and Limitations

Umbrella headers

The “umbrella” headers are re-exporting the implementation headers for public use, which is a common practice in Open Source projects. A notable example of this is Googletest: the gtest/gtest.h top-level header does not contain any definitions: it includes a number of “internal” headers that are not recommended to users. The users should always write #include "gtest/gtest.h". The way to propagate that information to Include Cleaner is using // IWYU pragma: private, include "public.h" in your private.h header that is being exported.

Standard library

By default, Include Cleaner will not diagnose headers from the Standard Library. Standard Library headers support is not complete yet (due to the macros and the fact that a symbol is allowed to come from multiple headers) but you can enable this unstable feature through passing --include-cleaner-stdlib flag to clangd invocation.

Inserting Includes

The complete version of Include Cleaner will not only warn about unused headers, but also provide a way to include used headers directly, not through a chain of transitive includes.
