Threads and request handling

Our main goals in handling incoming requests are:

Some constraints are provided by clang:

Life of a request

An LSP message like textDocument/definition or textDocument/didChange is decoded by ClangdLSPServer and dispatched to the appropriate function on ClangdServer. This happens on the main thread, ClangdServer is not threadsafe. Therefore, its methods should not block - that would block incoming messages which could be independent (code completion in a different file) or relevant (cancelling a slow request).

Instead, they determine the affected file and place the action on TUScheduler. This class maintains a set of ASTWorkers, each is responsible for one file. The ASTWorker has a queue of operations, and a thread consuming them:

This ensures there’s only one AST and one preamble per open file, operations on one file don’t block another, and that reads see exactly the writes issued before them.


For files that rebuild relatively slowly, starting to build as soon as we see the first change isn’t ideal.

Suppose the user quickly types foo();. Building after the f is typed means:

To address this, writes are debounced: rebuilding doesn’t start until either a read is received or a short deadline expires (user stopped typing).

Code completion

Unlike typical requests like go-to-definition, code completion does not use the pre-built AST. Clang doesn’t do a great job of preserving the AST around incomplete code, and completion can make good use of transient parser state. We run a fresh parse with clang’s completion API enabled, which injects a “code completion” token into the token stream, and invokes a callback once the parser hits it.

As this doesn’t reuse the AST, it can run on a separate thread rather than the ASTWorker. It does use the preamble, but we don’t wait for it to be up-to-date. Since completion is extremely time sensitive, it just uses whichever is immediately available.
